Nashville may be in the sunny south, but we still see plenty of frosty mornings and cold evenings. On days where it’s cold and humid, vehicles and tools need a bit of extra care and warmth to make sure they stay in their best shape. One way to ensure the longevity of your cars and equipment is through insulated garage doors.
Insulated garage doors make a lot of sense, especially during these cold winter months. They make the entire garage warmer and quieter, increasing overall efficiency. Usually, the stronger and more powerful a door is, the more you sacrifice for aesthetics. Thankfully, that’s not the case for us. Our Nashville garage door company offers a wide selection of beautiful doors that come in all sorts of designs, including the classic carriage house style. Keep your garage in updated, beautiful and warm with insulated garage doors.

Making the Right Garage Door Purchase
Garage door construction impacts heat transfer, so the integrity of your garage matters, especially if it is attached to your home. Of course, your garage door needs depend on your uses. There are three levels of garage door strength and insulation.
The first is the simplest. A single-layer construction garage door will shut out the elements, but it won’t provide insulation. These also tend to be less durable.
A garage door with a vinyl back is considered a two-layer construction. For insulation, a layer of Styrofoam is added to this type of door, but it is the most minimal. Some insulation is better than none, but keeping your vehicles happy in the chilly Tennessee winter may require a garage door with a bit more integrity and strength.
The best quality door is usually the one with the most insulation. Insulation does more than keep a garage warm, it protects your property and insulates against noise. Properly insulated garage doors will have what is known as a three-layer construction, meaning there are three layers of protection. The front and back layers are steel with a layer of insulation between them. This type of door will keep the wind out and the warmth in.
There are many variations of the three-layer construction garage doors. These variations include steel thickness and insulation type. One of the best choices on the market is Intellicore insulation. Choice garage doors have Intellicore, where proprietary polyurethane foam is blown into the garage door. This unique insulation expands to fill the entire inside, reducing heat transfer, reducing noise, and increasing in efficiency.
Once you evaluate your home’s needs and typical garage uses, you’ll have a better understanding of the type of garage door you’re going to need. To help you decide among the many options you have available to you, contact our office at (615) 360-3535. Our service & installation business can repair or replace your garage doors. If you aren’t sure if your door needs to be fixed or replaced, we can help you with that, too; we also offer free, no obligation estimates. Tri-County Doors is proud to be the #1 Garage Door Company in Middle Tennessee.