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Tag: Brentwood Garage Doors

Why Does My Garage Door Sound Like A ‘Monster’?

When your garage door is opened can it be heard from anywhere in the house? Does your garage door wake you when your spouse heads to work? Does the sound of your Brentwood garage door opening scare you or make you fear for your life?

Whatever is causing your garage door to sound like a monster, it’s best to figure out the cause and put a stop to it before you end up the least popular house on the street, or before something goes wrong and someone gets hurt.

What Is Making All That Noise?

No garage door or opener runs absolutely silently, but there is a difference between normal function and a monster. As with any machine with gears and moving parts, there are a number of things that can be causing a particular type of noise or malfunction. Depending on the model and how it’s installed, even some brand-new garage doors and garage door openers can make a surprising amount of noise.

One of the most common causes of garage door noise is friction. As garage door opener mechanisms age, their parts can lose their lubrication and noisily grind against each other. Bolts and screws can loosen, and parts may wear out and need replacement. Any of these normal elements of wear and tear will cause your garage door opener to get a little louder. Same with the hinges and rollers on the garage door itself. While this doesn’t necessarily signal a particular problem, it can be annoying and inconvenience. But some causes of garage door noise, especially in older models or those that have sustained damage, will need attention quickly before they become a safety concern.

Should I Repair The Garage Door Myself?

Garage Door Repair Brentwood, TennesseeIn many cases you can simply apply a lubricant to the moving parts. Lubricants specially made for garage door openers are available, but any good silicone based lubricant will work. (Note: Please don’t use WD-40! While it will help silence the monster – it tends to attract additional dirt and can drip on your car). Then, double check that all the nuts and bolts are secure and tighten any in need.

When Should I Call A Professional Garage Door Company?

You should contact a professional Brentwood garage door company if you have any doubts about how to proceed, or if the parts to your garage door or opener need replacement. Garage door openers that were installed before 1995 should be replaced if they begin having problems. New garage door openers are built to much higher standards and run almost silent in comparison to older models.

For garage door repair services, contact us in Brentwood or Nashville, Tennessee at (615) 360-3535.